Monday, February 17, 2020

Career in Business Management Personal Statement

Career in Business Management - Personal Statement Example And these are just those who have passed out of high school, not to speak of the others who have graduated with impeccable IT credentials and raring to go. The corporate world was looking for them with open arms and the red carpet reception! Besides a degree in arts, an additional degree in streams such a business management is vital to career prospects these days. Business management students gain employment in wide range of careers in finance, marketing, human resource, tourism, hospitality, etc. at national and international levels. (International Business Management). I am reminded of my own inconspicuous small town background. The school I attended catered to mostly students from the lower middle income group families. The nearest and the only college in close vicinity was on the outskirts of the nearest city which was about 8 kilometers away from my house. However, the school was well run and the students had dreams of making it big one day. I was among the girls who excelled at studies and invariably always achieved good results. Thanks to my parents who instilled the right values and habits in me. Then there were some close friends who grew with me and together we came out of school with laurels and high expectations. Now I am not content with a degree. I want to specialize. ... Thanks to my parents who instilled the right values and habits in me. Then there were some close friends who grew with me and together we came out of school with laurels and high expectations. Now I am not content with a degree. I want to specialize. I am glad the syllabuses these days are geared towards specialization. I always knew in my heart that management was for me. The idea of planning, organizing and managing always appealed to me and I have already learned some of the basics in this stream when I was in the secondary section. Competition is in my blood. I am capable of turning on all my inner qualities to achieve the best possible results. I believe in activating the finer and nobler aspects of ones qualities in pursuing any goal. The progress we see today is not the result of wars and political might. Rather, it is the result of painstaking research and path of reason followed by men of scientific vision and literature genius. The course that I am about to take will take me 3 years to complete if I do it full time, or 4 years sandwich.(Course Information). Persuade an agreeing and informed audience to act (why is it urgent enough to act). Appeal to ethos by presenting and addressing counterarguments or warrants. A good army general will always reconnoiter before actively entering a war zone. He is aware there is a good deal of action to follow in the days, months and maybe years to come. Hence, he will make preparations by getting the complete picture about the enemy territory and capability. (John Ellison Kahn et al). Now that I am at the threshold of a career, I am determined to enroll in a good reputed college for a 3 years or 4 years course in International Business Management. Having worked for a year in a mega

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