Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Foreign Review of Related Literature Essay

Students who get the system of studying know that good grades lead to more freedom and responsibility in life. Some only want to have fun and focus on other things but it is said that their refusal to study did not fulfill them that is why they feel guilty and realize a need to change. This being said, all students are encouraged to take their studies seriously. Because in our generation, the youth tend to give in to the things that will give them immediate yet temporary happiness than happiness that might take long to have yet it will last longer. Students must all know that every moment of education is important because the pleasures of today have no assurance that they will still exist tomorrow. We might say that we have attained freedom through our reckless acts as a child, through our ignorance towards studies but these will all backfire on us in the future. They consequences that will be put upon us will be sevenfold. As the saying goes, â€Å"What goes around, comes around.â €  same with our present to future education. A study plan has to be made. Students should use their time wisely in everything that they do. They should study in a place that will be suitable and comfortable for them. There must be enough space for the students to be able to place and move their books freely while studying. Perhaps studying a very general topic that needs a lot of references, a student needs enough space to be able to open the important pages that relates to their topic without it being a burden. At the same time, they should be comfortable enough to be able to focus on their studies properly and not have to worry about having neck/back aches, or even poor eyesight. There must be a fair lighting to prevent blurring of the eyes. Most importantly, they should establish a study plan to have an orderly routine in studying and also to have proper distribution of time with studies and resting. Time management is one of the greatest factors to consider in attaining high grades. All students must learn good study habits that will help them keep record of their assignments and the things that are need to be done. Students must also learn to stop cramming and procrastinating. Students must all complete their tasks immediately to avoid passing assignments or requirements after the deadline. They should also study immediately after school hours to keep their mastery over the said lessons and to be able to pass the exams with flying colors. Also every student is encouraged or most probably required to understand and learn their lessons than to just memorize what they have read. Some knowledge of research methods of the logic of research analysis is necessary both to avoid being misled by bad research and to help in interpreting the findings that are presented. Analyzing rather than memorizing, that’s the main point of this statement. It is to let the readers and the students know that mastery does not come from what the writings in the book say but from the way we understood what we have read. Lastly, everyone not only students must know that the same intelligence which is in you is also in the things that you desire. That the human person must believe in his/her own self and not repeat words or formulas but his/her power to do something. It’s not always the bookish and academic things that will define our intelligence or performance, but mostly in our attitude towards studies. It’s not always about being book smart, but it is also about the perseverance and the things we do to strive for success, the efforts that we make to achieve our goals and the sacrifices that we make for the assurance of success. It only means that everything is up to us, on the way we perceive things, the way we take things through, and the way we approach things. We must always keep a positive attitude because this is the first big step towards becoming what we want to be in the future.

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